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It’s really my choice.

BITTER because death took my Uncle Allen this weekend. Another beautiful soul added to all the losses in 2020. Only this one was more than just a number.

This one was personal.

BETTER because it felt like I was his favorite. He had a gifted and tender way of making each of us secretly believe we were “the one.”

He not only gave us all a piece of his heart, he told us why.

My tribute to him is to look beyond a BITTER year. Move forward from BITTER sorrows and disappointments.

He would encourage, love, and tell me I’m BETTER than all the negativity.

And so, Uncle Allen, I’ll dry my tears and rise up. Try to live the way you saw me. Keep climbing those mountains. Believing in myself the way you did when I was both a little girl and a woman.

I’ll be BETTER.

Because of you.