Can an OLD COWBOY with weathered skin and gnarled fingers from mending fences still MAKE A DIFFERENCE?

The old pickup truck pulled into the grocery store parking lot. With a list in his pocket, the cowboy made his way to the entrance. As he walked through, he noticed a little boy sitting in a wheelchair. The little boy's body was thin and twisted with a physical disability.

"Mom, there's a cowboy!"

The cowboy stopped and knelt down beside the boy so he could speak to him at eye level.

"Have you been a good boy?"

"Yes!" said the boy. His eyes shined with delight that the cowboy had noticed him.

"Well, then I have something for you," smiled the cowboy.

He untied the wild rag - a silk handkerchief worn around his neck and tied it around the little boy's neck.

"Then this is yours. My gift for a good boy."

The little boy's face lit up. For a moment he felt important. Invincible. The cowboy nodded at the boy. Eyes were locked. Hearts connected.

When the cowboy stood up, he was surprised at the crowd that had gathered. Customers and grocery employees stopping to witness the tender event. The little boy's mother was crying.

As the old cowboy pushed the grocery cart through the store, he silently thanked God for the opportunity. It was only a moment, but he hoped he had made an impression.

I'm still learning from this old cowboy.

Reminded that I need to NOTICE.


Lessons learned from this old cowboy.

My dad.

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